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Blue Beauty is the New Green Beauty: 6 Ways to Go Blue in Your Beauty Ritual

Blue Beauty is the New Green Beauty: 6 Ways to Go Blue in Your Beauty Ritual

Blue is the new green! Green beauty means that you are consciously avoiding toxic chemicals that are harmful not only to yourself, but also to the environment; blue beauty takes it up a notch. Unlike green beauty, blue beauty isn’t just about using clean, sustainably sourced ingredients. It stems from the impact packaging and formulas have on marine life, the global water crisis, and limiting the damage inflicted on oceans and waterways. This new trend helps educate consumers about finding products that are good for themselves, sustainable, ethical, and have the environmental impact of oceans at its forefront. So there's more to it than just opting for "clean" beauty products; it goes far beyond the ingredient list. Going blue in your skincare and beauty products means that you are selecting ethical and sustainable products with entire product life cycles that work for the long term health of you and our planet.

We've put together our Top 6 ways to go true blue in your daily beauty rituals...




1. Understand Product Claims on Labels

When reading the packaging or label of a skincare product, you may be intimidated by the product claims and symbols. What does “sustainable” really mean? What does zero-waste mean? What is non-GMO? What does organic or cruelty-free mean? We're here to help you navigate some of the buzzword product claims you may find on your skincare products. 

Sustainable: This is unfortunately an entirely unregulated claim that is often misused to entice conscious consumers. In a perfect world, when a beauty product is said to be sustainable, this claim should go beyond the ingredient label and down the entire supply chain, ensuring that the humans farming the ingredients are treated fairly, the carbon-footprint is offset in manufacturing practices, packaging is eco-friendly, ingredients used are protected and not over-harvested, and oceans are unaffected by cascading business practices. True sustainability is complex, multi-faceted, and a never-ending process for companies that genuinely strive towards a comprehensively sustainable business model. The word “sustainable” as a claim can include so many practices, some of which may not even actually be that beneficial for people and the planet, and it’s often used by companies with simply one or two eco-conscious efforts. While one sustainable step can make a huge difference, companies like Earth Harbor have a solid blue philosophy and implement as many sustainable steps as possible, but always will acknowledge that there is still so much work to be done and that we’re all in this together!

Ocean Waste Plastic: Plastic that is collected from the ocean (or within 50 miles of the coast) and upcycled. Packaging can never be 100% ocean waste plastic due to fragility and lack of elasticity from factors such as exposure to sun, saltwater, marine life, etc, so it must be mixed with another material such as PCR (post-consumer recycled plastic) to achieve technical performance needed to properly and safely package a product.

Ocean Bound Plastic: Plastic that is intercepted and recycled before it has an opportunity to find its way to the ocean.

Plastic Neutral: This is the plastics version of being carbon neutral. It typically means that a company pays to offset their use of virgin plastic through a partnership where ocean plastics are collected through their funding. Being plastic neutral can also mean that a company uses post consumer resin (recycled plastic) instead of virgin plastic for their products’ plastic components.

Plastic Negative: A company is plastic-negative when they put practices into place that remove more plastic from Earth’s ecosystem, including oceans, than what they put into it. This is preferred over being plastic neutral. Being plastic negative can be accomplished through a variety of ways. From using a minimal amount of plastic (preferably no virgin plastic) combined with zero-waste packaging, using post consumer resins, ocean waste plastic, ocean bound plastic, and/or paid partnerships for the cleanup of ocean plastics. 

Zero-Waste: When all resources of a product are made with responsible packaging that has the ability to be reused or recycled easily.

Note: Earth Harbor uses all of the aforementioned avenues to ensure we are working towards our plastic-negative and zero-waste goals.  

Organic: When it comes to the beauty industry, labeling a product as organic refers to how the ingredients found in the formula are farmed. Typically, meaning a product (or the majority of its ingredients) is cultivated without the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides. There are few regulations on the term "organic" in the beauty industry. Just because a product doesn't have "USDA Organic" or "Oregon Tilth" stamped on its bottle, doesn't mean it's not organic. Getting this seal of approval is a costly and lengthy process. When indie grassroots beauty brands enter the market, you may not see this seal identifier on their label, even though they might source organic ingredients whenever possible, just like us at Earth Harbor. In this case, it’s important to always check the ingredients list to see what ingredients are certified organic (note the emphasis on ‘certified’!). It’s important to keep this in mind while viewing product labels, especially for brands that don’t have their entire formula certified organic. It’s also good to be cautious of products whose labels state that the overall product formula is organic rather than individual ingredients when it’s not certified as such.

Tip: All organic ingredients are also non-GMO because GMOs are prohibited in organic production.

Non-GMO: A genetically modified organism (a GMO for short) is any plant or animal (or any other organism) whose genetic makeup has been modified in a lab using genetic engineering. Most often in crops, they are genetically modified to withstand colder temperatures or naturally deter pests and insects, thereby creating larger crop yields.

Several studies have been conducted and are underway that examine the health implications of consuming (or using topically) genetically modified ingredients. While the jury is still out on the impacts GMOs have on the body (if any), we choose to make ALL of our products without using genetically modified ingredients.

The Non-GMO Project is the leader in non-GMO certification and is a great first-glance guide to whether a product is, indeed, non-GMO. Like the organic labeling mentioned above, getting the seal of approval of "non-GMO" from The Non-GMO Project is a lengthy and expensive process; a process that a lot of indie beauty brands cannot afford or do not have the bandwidth to complete— even though the ingredients are 100% non-GMO derived, like they are at Earth Harbor. An alternative is to check the product label or research the company. At Earth Harbor, we denote every single ingredient.

Tip: Just because an ingredient is marked as non-GMO doesn’t mean that it isn’t also organic; it may simply mean that the supplier of the ingredient does not have organic certification even though they follow organic guidelines, including that of no chemical pesticides. At Earth Harbor, we source from suppliers that abide by these strict guidelines, especially regarding chemicals and pesticides, but we will not claim an ingredient as being organic on our labels unless it is certified as such.

Wildcrafted: Wildcrafted ingredients (also known as wild harvested) are something you will find in nearly every Earth Harbor self-care gem and is just what it sounds like; plants and botanicals crafted from the wild! The plants are inherently non-GMO and organic because they are from their original ecosystem, untouched by humans, pesticides, or chemicals, just like Mother Nature herself intended. Commercially grown plants, including organic, are cared for so that they have the ideal growing conditions. On the other hand, wildcrafted ingredients adapt to their environment (rain, sunshine, soil types, etc.) and grow wild, often competing with other vegetation, weeds, and wildlife. The benefit of wildcrafted ingredients is more potent medicinal properties and increased health benefits such as higher antioxidants since they must adapt to its environment's stressors to survive.

Even though wildcrafted ingredients are the preferred sourcing method of plants and botanicals, it's essential to ensure that it’s done ethically and sustainably to prevent over-harvesting. Ensuring this can be tricky, which is why at Earth Harbor we are scrupulous when sourcing.

All Natural: To put it simply, natural means any ingredient or product sourced by a mineral, plant, or animal byproduct. Like organic, this claim is not fully-regulated, so it's important to make sure that ingredients are indeed all-natural and do not contain non-plant-based ingredients if that is what you are choosing to avoid.


Most of the time, when a beauty brand uses the term "natural," it indicates clean ingredients that are not full of controversial preservatives or chemicals that are known to be harmful. At Earth Harbor we believe the term natural should only be used if 100% of ingredients are plant-derived, as they are in our formulas.


Tip: Don't let complicated ingredient labels fool you, though! Some "synthetic" sounding ingredients are all-natural/plant-derived ingredients manufactured in such a way to act as a natural preservative or emulsifier, and may carry with it a name with lots of syllables.

Clean: Clean skincare or beauty products means that a product is believed to be non-toxic and has transparent ingredient labels. Due to greenwashing's misleading marketing tactics, just because a product is organic or all-natural doesn't mean it's clean and non-toxic. Many beauty companies, along with Earth Harbor, are members of Campaign for Safe Cosmetics™ and Truth in Labeling™ to take a stance for safety and transparency.

Non-Toxic: Most often, when a product or brand claims to be "non-toxic," it means that the ingredients do not contain harmful synthetic ingredients or ingredients that are known to cause harm or health issues. However, this claim could mean non-toxic for you, but not necessarily for the environment (see sustainable above). It’s also important to keep in mind that non-toxic is a relatively unregulated term so it’s still very important for you to do your own research down to each ingredient when finding a product to use. Earth Harbor was founded by a certified toxicologist, so we take the guesswork out of it for you as each of our products is scrupulously researched. We are also a Think Dirty® verified brand.

Tip: Just because a product is “clean” and “non-toxic” (or even labeled as non-comedogenic for that matter) doesn’t mean that it can’t be sensitizing for your specific skin. It’s always important to perform a skin patch test before use no matter what the product claim is.

Plant-Based: When a product claims it is plant-based, it means that all of the ingredients are derived from plants or minerals. While most often, when a beauty brand claims a product as plant-based, it is often coincidentally vegan, however, these products could have some animal byproducts such as honey or beeswax, for instance. If you are looking for a vegan product, make sure that the product emphasizes explicitly that it is "vegan".

Synthetic-Free: Synthetic-free refers to products that contain only natural ingredients originating from a renewable resource in nature that undergo chemical changes due to biological processes such as fermentation, distillation, and cold processing. This can include scientifically derived ingredients or compounds created in a lab, but they always stem from a plant-derived ingredient. You will not find synthetic ingredients nor artificial chemicals in Earth Harbor’s formulas — this includes no dyes, no fragrances, and no synthetic preservatives. 

Tip: Beware of synthetic-free, natural, and plant-based formulas that are not properly formulated to withstand the effects of mold, fungi, and bacteria. Always check with the company if you are ever in doubt about the safety of the product. In the last few years, bio-technology in the beauty industry has progressed to where botanically-based preservatives are proven effective and these are what we use at Earth Harbor along with rigorous quality assurance testing. Especially pay attention to water-based formulas and make sure you see preservative systems such as plant-based alcohols, leuconostoc, rosemary extract, vitamin E, and certain plant oils to name a few.

Cruelty-Free: Cruelty-free means that a product is not tested on animals. There are governing bodies that require strict scrutiny and certification of a beauty brand to make this claim. To gain these certifications and claims, the brand has to make a formal written statement that their products are not tested on animals. The organization also looks at the brand's supply chain to ensure the brand's suppliers do not test their ingredients on animals. Leaping Bunny and PETA are the two most popular cruelty-free certifying bodies in the U.S.

Note: Earth Harbor only tests its products on willing humans and is proud to hold both the Leaping Bunny and PETA certifications!

Vegan: Like the plant-based claim we mentioned above, when a beauty product claims to be vegan, it means it contains NO animal byproducts, including honey, beeswax, pearl, marine collagen, lanolin, carmine, or other ingredients that are derived from an animal byproduct. PETA is a common certifying body for veganism in products, and the only brands eligible for PETA’s Vegan certification are those whose entire product line is 100% vegan.

Note: Earth Harbor is certified Vegan by PETA. There is a special seal that only brands who are certified BOTH Vegan and Cruelty-Free by PETA get, and we proudly display it on each of our products’ boxes!

Soy Free: Soy-free (aka. No Added Soy) means the product contains no soy or soy-based ingredients. Some consumers avoid soy not only in their diet but also in their skincare. Soy contains a compound called isoflavones that can suppress estrogen and encourage an increase in androgenic hormones, creating various health issues, not to mention that soy is one of the largest GMO crops in the world that also contributes to unsustainable farming practices. At Earth Harbor, our products proudly have no soy added.

Gluten Free: Gluten-Free (aka. No Added Gluten) Gluten is a protein found in barley, wheat, and rye, among other grains, and comprises a family of proteins, including gliadin and glutenin, which make up gluten. When a skincare product claims to be gluten-free, it cannot contain any ingredient with components of gluten.

While many people have some degree of gluten sensitivity, some cannot have gluten in any form, such as Celiac disease (an auto-immune disease). Those with Celiac or gluten sensitivities have symptoms manifested on their skin in conditions such as Dermatitis herpetiformis (itchy blisters and redness) and Keratosis pilaris (tiny bumps on the back of arms). With increased consumer awareness of gluten issues, many beauty industry brands are making a prominent stance to clearly indicate if a product does or does not contain gluten; however, it can sneak in other ingredients as a byproduct, including some synthetic vitamin E.

Since the gluten protein is too large to penetrate the skin, those with gluten issues can often use gluten-containing skincare products with no problem. However, since gluten issues can cause skin-related issues, it's natural to want to avoid it in your skincare products. At Earth Harbor, our entire line has no added gluten.

Tip: If you are not sensitive to gluten but are conscientiously going blue in your beauty rituals, gluten is a very common GMO ingredient!


2. Dig Deeper into Each Ingredient

It's important to read and understand the ingredients on the label and avoid ingredients that are known to be toxic. When reading an ingredient label, ingredients are listed from the highest concentration to the lowest. There are a number of ingredients we recommend avoiding in your skincare products like phthalates, sulfates, synthetic fragrances, etc. 

Another example is synthetic parabens. You’ve probably already heard that parabens are harmful and should be avoided. In one study, parabens were found in 19 out of 20 breast tumors. While this evidence doesn't indicate that parabens necessarily cause cancer, it does prove that parabens stick around for quite a while after penetrating the skin and circulating throughout the body, as is the case for many “dirty” ingredients.

Avoiding harmful and toxic ingredients is more than just a concern to human health. Many ingredients believed to be harmful to humans are also harmful to the environment and have been found in marine life tissues due to products finding their way into the oceans and other water sources.

Note: Earth Harbor always strictly avoids synthetic ingredients (artificial dyes, synthetic fragrances, synthetic preservatives), GMOs, gluten, soy, toxins, fillers, chemical additives, parabens, phthalates, sulfates, phenoxyethanol, dimethicone, emulsifying wax, nanoparticles, mineral oils, petroleum, and other questionable chemicals frequently found in the beauty industry.

Your skin absorbs so much that you put on it. Some synthetic skincare ingredients can contain xenoestrogens, which mimic estrogen, causing issues in both men, women, and aquatic life, cascading into other health and environmental issues. According to the Environmental Working Group, your skin can face up to 168 different ingredients every day. That’s a lot for your skin to handle, so just imagine how the fishies in the sea cope with that!

Other ingredients such as Phthalates (pronounced tha-late), PEG (Polyethylene glycol), and mineral oil are being omitted from the cosmetic and beauty industry because of their impact on health and the environment. For example, Mineral oil is harmful to the environment because it doesn't biodegrade and is not a renewable resource. It’s important to be aware that these ingredients can also hide under many names, too!

Even seemingly tiny ingredients could have a significant impact on the environment. Microbeads (aka microplastics), like those used as an exfoliant in many facial and body scrubs, can find their way to lakes, streams, and the ocean and damage marine life ecosystems.

Top Ingredients to Avoid:

  1. Parabens: Parabens are a commonly used preservative to prevent bacteria and mold growth in skincare and cosmetic products. Consumers should avoid them because the EPA has linked some parabens to cancer, and they have been known to be an endocrine disruptor.
  2. Sulfates: Sulfates are a detergent type (aka a cleansing agent) and are often labeled as sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth ether sulfate (SLES). Consumers should consider avoiding sulfates because they can cause skin, eye, and even lung irritation.
  3. Synthetic fragrances and dyes: The word "fragrance" and "dye" isn't just cut and dry. Many chemical compounds can make up a single fragrance, and companies don't have to label them individually. They are just under the umbrella term of "fragrance”. Consider avoiding fragrances and dyes because a) you don't fully know what are in them, and b) they can cause skin irritation.
  4. Mineral Oil: Mineral oils are a type of petroleum-derived oil used to provide moisture and lubrication in cosmetic products. You should consider avoiding mineral oil because, while it is deemed the "safest" moisturizing ingredient, it is not a renewable resource, and untreated and mildly treated oils are considered a Group 1 carcinogen. 
  5. PEG (Polyethylene glycol): PEG is often used in beauty products as a thickener and skin-softener to aid in product absorption, thereby helping your skin absorb the good stuff along with the bad. It can cause systemic toxicity and skin irritation if used on broken skin. In some studies, PEG's can speed up aging due to their impact on reducing the skin's natural moisture levels.
  6. Phthalates: Phthalates are used in the beauty industry as a softener. They can be one of the many ingredients hiding under the name "parfum" or "fragrance". Variations of phthalates are used in commercial products such as vinyl flooring, PVC piping, swimming pool liners, and shower curtains. There are many health impacts associated with phthalates, but common phthalates like DEHP have been shown to disrupt the endocrine and hormone systems. Pregnant and lactating mommies should definitely avoid them. 
  7. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) is a foaming agent added to cosmetic products to give the product a rich lather. SLS can remove natural oils from the skin and create dry and reactive skin prone to inflammation and allergic reactions. It is recommended to avoid SLS, especially by those with reactive prone skin, such as those suffering from eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.
  8. Siloxanes: Siloxane is a synthetic ingredient that comes in many shapes and sizes, used for several different things. You may know of siloxane simply as silicone. Most commonly, it is used in shampoos to help hair from being frizzy and enhance shine. Consumers should avoid it because it is an endocrine disruptor that causes fertility issues, and even impacts neurotransmitter efficiency.  
  9. DEA (diethanolamine): DEA and its variations (TEA, cocamide DEA, etc.) have many uses in the cosmetic and beauty industry. It can be used as a pH buffer, emulsifier, and even used in fragrance. Variations of DEA (NDEA) are a carcinogen. They can cause bioaccumulation, which is when an ingredient accumulates on your skin, and has been shown to cause reproductive issues in both men and women. 

In the E.U. there are over 1,300 potentially harmful ingredients banned from being used in beauty products, and the U.S. has only banned 11 of these ingredients. The FDA hasn't changed the law regarding skincare and cosmetic regulation since 1938, and this includes very little (if any) regulation on protecting the oceans and marine life from harmful ingredients.

Reading an ingredient label to select the best skin care product shouldn't require a chemistry degree or Sherlock Holmes detective skills to investigate the ingredients. This is why finding a blue and clean transparent beauty brand helps you take all the guesswork and guilt out of the picture. If you find ingredients you question (or can’t pronounce) there are plenty of resources out there like EWG’s Skin Deep which helps educate and empower the consumer about ingredients to avoid.


3. Pay Attention to Company Ethics

When going blue in your beauty ritual, it’s just as important as reading the ingredients label as it is to understanding company ethics. It's important to ask yourself questions about a company, like: Is the company authentically sustainable? Do they give back to their community? What are they doing to protect the ocean and the planet? Do they avoid toxic ingredients? And then researching the company for answers.

Often, if a company claims to have clean ingredients and a blue philosophy, they tend to be very transparent on their website. Check out the brand's website and see what they are doing to offset their carbon footprint, avoid harm to marine life, or give back to their community. If you can't find the answers you are looking for, then reach out to the company! Feel free to always reach out with any questions regarding Earth Harbor at; we are always happy and eager to answer them!

At Earth Harbor, all of our products are made with purely natural, cruelty-free, non-toxic, non-GMO ingredients with plastic-negative, upcycled ocean waste packaging to be as blue-wise as possible. You'll never find nasty synthetic or genetically modified ingredients. We refuse to use formulations that could be potentially harmful to humans and the environment, including never using the 1,300+ ingredients banned in the EU. 

Earth Harbor proudly partners with 1% for the Planet to dedicate all sales to protecting the world's oceans and solving the global water crisis. You can learn more about our 1% For The Planet partnership by clicking here. Additionally, we donate $1 for every product review left to a different water preservation organization every month, participate regularly in annual fundraising events for marine life and water preservation, and every season we adopt a new sea turtle as well as participate in our local beach cleanups. 

But more importantly than focusing on how a company gives back to the environment and community monetarily, is paying attention to how a company formulates, produces, and packages their products with the environment in mind, too. For example, at Earth Harbor, we invest a lot in our packaging to not only use zero-waste glass and other more common eco-conscious packaging, but to also use a unique combination of ocean-bound and ocean-waste plastics, sometimes spending over 4x’s more on packaging to avoid using virgin plastic to achieve this goal. Additionally, all Earth Harbor formulas are waterless to not only deliver concentrated skincare to your sweet skin, but to drastically reduce water consumption. We also use solar power at our studio, TerraCycle to make sure everything during production is recycled if it can't be reused, partnerships with local farmers to upcycle unused materials, carbon-neutral shipping whenever possible with our suppliers, a Sustainability Council, and many other factors that we will dive into in a future blog post!  

It's also important to understand ingredient sourcing. Beyond the ingredients being sourced, you want to make sure that the humans involved and the supply chain are treated well and ethically. A good place to start is to make sure brands only work with ingredient suppliers that abide by fair and/or ethical trade practices. At Earth Harbor, we require suppliers to provide this documentation.


4. Stick to Sustainable Packaging

Many companies manufacture their product and shipping packaging using recyclable or post-consumer recycled materials, but there's more to sustainable packaging than just being made with recyclable materials.

Look for companies that offer zero-waste and low-waste packaging, reusable containers, and no unnecessary packaging like tamper seals, lid caps, and plastic spatulas, etc.

Many blue-wise beauty brands like Earth Harbor are also shifting to plant-based or U.V. inks and eco-friendly adhesives on their packaging, due to its limited amount (if any) of toxic solvents. 


We’re proud that 100% of our packaging suppliers, and many of our ingredient suppliers as well, are local, within 50 miles of our studio.  This locally sourced packaging strategy is an environmentally-friendly option to not only reduce our carbon footprint, but also to support our local community. 

Making sure blue-wise product packaging is biodegradable or reusable is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint, too. Opting for upcycled ocean plastics makes our packaging plastic-negative since it intercepts waste that would otherwise end up in the ocean or elsewhere like landfills.

At Earth Harbor, we do everything mentioned above. We believe that to achieve true sustainability, we have to start with ourselves. We do our best to minimize our waste, water, and energy footprint. We believe that genuinely sustainable ingredients are ethically sourced and safe for the environment. We are soon offering a special recycling program to help customers recycle their used Earth Harbor products to guarantee that their empty containers get recycled, not to mention a refill pouch program that is 100% recyclable, biodegradable (and hopefully if packaging technology can catch up with safety— compostable, too!) that is currently in research and development.

Note: As discussed in the product label section above, be wary of greenwashing in packaging. This marketing tactic is a way for companies in the food and beauty industry to take advantage of the unregulated industry standards. 

5. Invest in Zero-Waste Beauty Tools

Going blue in your beauty also means going blue with the tools you use, too! You’d be alarmed if you knew how many single-use beauty tools are used annually. Even when they are properly recycled by the consumer, a whopping 91% of those tools that are supposedly recycled plastics aren’t actually recycled in the end. It’s a really depressing statistic, and all the more reason why turning to zero-waste options is crucial for the health of Earth and Her oceans.

Reusable Face and Eye Masks: Gemstone beauty tools are a perfect sustainable zero-waste alternative to one-time use tools such as one-time use sheet and eye masks (see Earth Harbor’s ISLAND JADE Gemstone Facial Therapy Mask). When shopping for your gemstone beauty tools, make sure the source and production of these tools are sustainable and ethical, too!

Multi-Use Cosmetic Applicators: Multi-use spatulas like our ROSE GOLD Applicator + Acupressure Multi-Tool take several tools and combine them into one. These tools can act as an applicator keeping your jar products sanitary, as an acupressure facial massager, and as a way to delicately applying the product to sensitive areas such as around the eyes. 

Compostable Cleansing Cloths: Reusable, compostable cleansing cloths are another product that can easily be swapped from single-use to multi-use. Earth Harbor's AGAVE LEAF Holistic Cleansing Cloth replaces single-use facial wipes and even can replace popular plastic cleansing tools that will eventually end up in a landfill. Our Agave Leaf Cloth also supports a dying art form with a women's co-op in Mexico.

Cruelty-Free Brushes: Investing in cruelty-free makeup, hair or mask brushes is another tool-swap you can make to help the environment and make your beauty ritual blue-er. Check out our RITUAL BRUSH Mask Applicator as an example of this.

Portioned Tools: Portioned tools help prevent you from using an excess product, such as the ROSE GOLD Applicator or MER BLEUE Mask Treatment Dish. The Mer Bleu Mask Treatment Dish, for example, helps use a minimal amount of product since the bowl uses optimal dimensions for DIY mask mixing as opposed to regular sized bowls. Not only are you helping the environment, but you are also supporting local artisans as they are handmade.  

6. Switch to Modular Skincare

Modular skincare is a sustainable beauty practice because rather than marketing a different product for each concern or goal, the products are engineered to be adaptable and modular for creating skincare cocktails that are personalized to your unique skin and lifestyle.

This encourages conscious consumerism and is a low-waste approach to skincare, as well as embraces an empowering shift onto the fact that you as a consumer have the ultimate intuition for making decisions that are best for you and your skin. It also means that products can adapt not only to your specific skin needs but also life's variances from your climate and changing seasons, to stress levels and age. 

Modular skincare makes Earth Harbor very unique, not only as a product line, but also in sustainability. Earth Harbor formulas are designed to be customizable for individualized skin care concerns and goals.

Examples of modular skincare cocktails could be a) mixing a few drops of a serum into a small dollop of your go-to winter moisturizer to make it more breathable and lightweight for your morning workout at the gym; or b) mixing a couple drops of a facial treatment oil with a few spritzes of hydrating mist to create a hydrating treatment solution for a quick glow-up before a lunch date; or c) mixing an ampoule with a serum and a moisturizer to reduce steps by combining 3 into 1 for a quick evening regimen! The possibilities are virtually endless and can make for literally hundreds of different variations in one modular skincare line, such is the case here at Earth Harbor! 

Tip: Before you decide to make skincare cocktails, always be sure the skincare brand you use is specifically designed for this or the chemistry could have adverse effects.



Ready to Go True Blue?

Going blue means that you acknowledge the impact that products have on the long term health and beauty of yourself and the environment, including the ocean. Supporting and investing in indie blue beauty brands and their products helps small business owners and their families, and supports artisans, co-ops, and more. Beyond humans, blue beauty helps the animals and the environment through reducing and removing pollutants in holistically designed ways. It’s the little things like understanding product claims and ingredients on labels, paying attention to company ethics, sticking to sustainable packing and zero-waste beauty tools, and switching to modular skincare, that can help change the world, one clean beauty bottle at a time.



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